• DPR for more than 3000 villages
  • Single village, Retrofitting and Multi Village water supply schemes
  • State covered – Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Assam
AMRUT Mission
  • DPR for more than 10 Towns
  • Water supply schemes with WTP and Intake works
  • Sewerage scheme with STP and sewage pumping station
  • Reuse of treated effluent management
  • State covered – Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh
SBM 2.0 Mission
  • DPR for I&D scheme for more than 50 Towns
  • STP and pumping stations
  • State covered – Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh
  • Used water management
State Sector Funded Scheme
Industrial effluent treatment plant (ETP, CETP etc.)
Namami Gange Projects (NMCG)
NGT projects
Exposure on JICA, ADB, World Bank Funded Project
Sub Consultancy services
Tender document, bid process management
Partnership for sustainable solutions